Here on the Garden Isle of Kaua'i the B-Rad Foundation is taking action to foster the environmental leaders and stewards of tomorrow. Working with Kaua'i schools we lead middle school students through our three part program based on Environmental Stewardship, Health and Adventure. Using these pillars, Kaua'i students have a chance to learn and take direct action to ensure a brighter future. Education and action are central in our programs, giving the power to our young ones to make lasting and impactful change. We also host monthly B-RAD Beach Cleanups to preserve the natural beauty of our island, and to honor Brad through direct community outreach and growth. What started as a grassroots project of close family and friends, has now blossomed into a far reaching community-based effort.
We believe that our children are our most valuable resource and hope for a brighter future. Our "B-Rad Keiki Programs" are now active in three different Kaua'i schools and are gearing up for next year as we finish up with our current groups of sixth grade students. There is nothing that makes us happier than to empower and educate the next generation of RAD. Look for us in a Kaua'i middle or elementary school near you!
In our B-Rad Beach Cleanups we have been fortunate to be able to use recycling programs to reuse most of all the hard plastics collected in our cleanup efforts as well as the derelict fishing nets. In the last 4 years of clean-ups, we have collected over 150,000 lbs of marine debris from our shoreline in different partnerships with local non-profits.
Situated in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, we are in direct contact with marine debris catching ocean currents from all over the Pacific. With our easterly trade wind patterns the bulk of plastics, fishing nets, and other marine debris are on a constant conveyer belt, bringing it out of the ocean and onto our shores. Although a daunting task, we feel blessed to be able to get the pieces we collect out of the ocean and off of our beaches.
Brad lived on Kaua'i for 3 years and over that time he developed a deep love and respect for his island home and community. Brad's decision to move back to California was not an easy one for him, but when the mountains called he had to listen. He would continue to make multiple Kaua'i trips every year to see family and to get his tropical surf fix. We do these programs and cleanups to remind ourselves that coming together as a community for a common goal can positively change our current situation and affect future generations to come. We know Brad is seeing the work we have been doing and it is in HIS honor we continue our ever-growing goals here on Kaua'i. With each month our tribe is growing and keeping our island home filled with oneness!