Quarterly Coastal Stewardship Days (sonoma coast)
Partnering with local environmental organizations, the B-Rad Foundaiton leads community stewardship days along the majestic Sonoma Coast. We can't wait to join with everyone and keep our community growing through projects that matter. If not us, then who? If not now, then when? Simple as that.
Follow us on Facebook for updates and notifications.
Monthly Kauai Beach Clean Ups
Every month on the island of Kauai the B-Rad Foundation hosts a community beach clean up day. In 2015 alone, our B-Rad ohana contributed to over 50,000lbs of trash, netting, and debris being removed from the pristine shores of Kauai. This crew is so inspiring and we are amazed by their committment to B-Rad to the fullest.
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for updates and notifications. Also check out our Events page for the cleanup schedule. Mahalo and Aloha!