The B-RAD Foundation invites you to celebrate
an evening of fine art and photography:
Adventure Through the Lens
A Benefit Event for the B-RAD Foundation
June 11th, 2016
Artists Jerry Dodrill, Nicholas Giblin, Kaare Iverson, Tim Terry II, and Kyle Turner will be showcasing their incredible talents through photographic imagery. Special guest Kevin Jorgeson will be on hand to share in the day! A portion of the proceeds
will directly benefit the B-Rad Foundation’s mission to help at-risk youth and support environmental stewardship.
Drifter Pizza will be on site to provide guests gourmet brick oven fired pizzas.
Join with us as we journey into artistry and "adventure through the lens."
RSVP @ http://evite.me/MaJMHa16Sa

Kyle Turner was raised in the outdoors and born to appreciate what nature can offer. From a young age his father exposed him to the art of photography through many family adventures and Boy Scout camping trips. As his outdoor pursuits progressed, so did his love of documenting his friends and family along the way. He has worked with famed Dawn Wall climber Kevin Jorgeson, and photographed Chris McNamara who Outside Magazine has called "the worlds finest aid climber." He has made images all over the world, from the most remote mountain ranges to the middle of the biggest cities. His work can be seen in magazines, and on the silver screen.
website: www.Bookofkyle.com
Jerry Dodrill is an adventurer and award-winning photographer who has traveled to remote corners of the planet in search of wild experiences. His immense talent and creative eye have been well recognized through international awards and exhibition in fine galleries, such as the Ansel Adams in Yosemite, Mountain Light, Mumm Napa Valley, and the Banff Center for Mountain Culture. As a workshop facilitator for Mountain Light Photography, Visionary Wild, Sierra Nevada College, he has proven himself as a highly engaging and effective photographic educator.
An expert mountain climber with degrees in Fine Art and Photography, Jerry is passionate about preservation and was a protégé of legendary Galen Rowell in the late 1990's. Today he resides in the Sonoma County town of Bodega, California, focusing on assignment photography, writing, exhibitions, and sharing his vision and expertise with others.
Jerry's work has been featured in many ad campaigns, books, and publications and is represented by the stock agency Aurora Photos. He is a senior contributor to California Climber Magazine and has been published in Sierra, Orion, Vanity Fair, World of Fine Wine, Wine Spectator, Men's Journal, Smithsonian, Outside, Alpinist, Rock & Ice, Climbing, and many other magazines. He was fundamental in product development and creation of the exciting new backpack company MindShift Gear, serves as Vice President of the Rock Ice & Mountain Club and sits on the board of directors of the B-Rad Foundation.
Nick Giblin, a Sonoma County native, is passionate about getting out into the wild. Primarily using rock climbing as his vehicle to adventure, he finds himself at the roof of beautiful mountainscapes the world over. He most enjoys the realness of adventure, challenge of the unknown and camaraderie built amongst climbing partners. Throughout his 14 years spent as a climber, he has tried his best to capture these moments and the beauty that can be found in these locations. His proudest photographic publications to date are a cover of the Alaska Airlines magazine which featured two of his good friends, Kyle Turner and Jeremiah Kahmoson atop Eichorn’s Pinnacle and a full page self portrait hand modeling shot in Alpinist magazine.
website: http://shotsbynick.weebly.com

Kaare Iverson is a lifestyle photographer based in San Francisco, CA. He was named after a boat that was named after a boat, and all three of them pronounce their names kôrē. Growing up in the Pacific Northwest he has an innate obsession with wild, open spaces and a passion to share them through photography. Kaare create's imagery for clients throughout North America that captures the actions and emotions of people and their products as they take on the world.
Kaare’s fine art print exhibit will take a deep look into the character of design in mountain adventure.
website: www.kaareiverson.com
Tim Terry II It all started for Tim shorty after he got his license. His parents noticed his absence from home and became concerned. When they found out he was ditching school a boundary was hit. After sitting down with him they found out the reason for all of his hidden adventures. Surfing, camping, seeing how far he could can get away and make it back for class on Monday, was a regular routine. Rather than being angry his father dug out his old 35mm camera and asked Tim to start documenting his travels.
12 years later he is still at it. Working closely with local companies such as Culture Pop Films, Guayaki, and other people and organizations that share his interest. Today Tim is discovering what is most important to him in life by constantly seeking adventure on the road and in wild territories. Form Alaska to Mexico, he can often be found cruising in this truck; surfboards, climbing gear, and cameras at the ready.